
Writing the Perfect Call to Action for Your Real Estate Website

Writing the Perfect Call to Action for Your Real Estate Website
Create Your Real Estate Website with Ease

Build a powerful and engaging real estate website using Real Estate 7. Leverage advanced tools like CRM, IDX, Automated Home Valuations and Conversational AI to connect with more clients efficiently.

If the proof of the pudding is in the eating, then the proof of good content is an assertive real estate Call To Action or CTA that compels consumers to click, tap or give their information. A good one will drive your target leads to action, and a bad one will just be seen and forgotten once the targets leave the website, never to return.

What is a Real Estate CTA?

A CTA invites a site visitor to act on something you suggest, i.e., click here now. You see it everywhere, on social media pages and videos. For example, in content marketing, you would find after a blog or a vlog (video) post there’s a CTA to go to a service page, a product page, subscribe to a newsletter, or monthly listing updates. Any action you want your target customer to make moving forward from the content or towards their buying or selling real estate journey.

Like in putting up your website and strategically planning your digital marketing, you must define the reasons for your real estate call to action:

  • Is it to attract more home buyers and sellers?
  • Is it to increase subscriptions to your monthly market analysis and listings?
  • Is it to nudge your audience to move forward to a virtual home tour?

Defining the reason for the CTA greatly impacts how and what it looks like or reads. The best ones are often short and sweet utilizing strong verbs or action words.

Tips and Tricks to Create Real Estate Call to Action Phrases That Work

Give your home buyers or sellers a sense of hope in finding the ideal house or best market value to sell. Give a least hopeful scenario, a problem, or an issue that you think may be experienced by a home buyer or seller, and then offer a solution.


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This gives sellers an example of how you will present their homes too. So you are actually presenting your services to both home buyers and sellers.

Igniting the Fear of Missing Out or FOMO is a favorite strategy of digital marketers. It effectively motivates people to move forward or miss out on juicy information or opportunities that only you can offer. Using this trick will have people hopping on your virtual caravan, of course. People tend to figure that there could be too much at stake if they miss out on information or opportunities that you are offering.


Be the first to tour this amazing new listing — before it’s listed to the public! Call (555) 555-4587 or Email To Schedule Your One-On-One House Tour!

Here you’re giving them a reason to act quickly, plus exclusivity and going the extra mile of one-on-one home tours gives personalized service — one of the best incentives for digital marketing.

Utilize words that will arouse action, emotion, and fervor. The key is to draw out the emotion or response you want from readers or the audience. If you are enthusiastic in writing and believe in what you are providing your audience, this also translates to excitement on their part. Real estate CTAs that will provoke action need a little incentive. So think of an incentive for them to take action.


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Again this appeals to both buyers and sellers.

Short and sweet Real Estate CTAs efficiently elicit interest from both buyers and sellers, especially for free information such as subscriptions to newsletters and ebooks. Especially if your target is buying or selling their first home, they want the rundown on the how, what, and why, including the math.

Short and sweet CTAs for this are:

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Strategically place the CTA on a blog, social media page, or web page where they will see it even before your text content is finished. This will invite them to take action immediately. You can place two kinds of CTA on the same page for different purposes. One mid-page for subscriptions or ebooks or vlogs (linked to explainer videos). And another CTA for home tours and bookings. It’s good to have one or two clear and concise offers per page.

Real estate CTAs have the important role of taking your target clients to the next step of their journey on the services you offer. Be assertive and use verbs that evoke instant action. Make them appealing by invoking emotions – fear, hope, and enthusiasm. Be confident that you are giving them the services that they need through your CTA.

Create Your Real Estate Website with Ease

Build a powerful and engaging real estate website using Real Estate 7. Leverage advanced tools like CRM, IDX, Automated Home Valuations and Conversational AI to connect with more clients efficiently.

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