This is due to not having a “Terms & Conditions” page set, super quick to setup:
- Create a terms & conditions page if you haven’t already (Admin > Pages > Add New)
- Go into Real Estate 7 Options > Front End Login & Registration > Terms & Conditions > search and set your page there screenshot
- Save Settings
- Then check the “I agree to…” when registering the user in the front end before clicking “Submit” and you’ll be good to go.
If you’re unsure how to write a terms & conditions page, there are a lot of resources and generators out there for use, just do a Google search for “terms & conditions page generator”.
If you’re seeing “Uncaught ReferenceError: mapping_ajax_object is not defined” in your Browser Developer Tools > Console (screenshot), that will cause the registration and other scripts on the site to fail. Simple fix, it’s due to not having your Google Maps API Key added in the settings, please see Google Maps once that’s added you’ll be all set.